6 Reasons A Neograft Hair Transplant Is The Best Hair Restoration Technique For You
Hair fall is an issue faced by millions of people in the U.S, and one which can easily be remedied using NeoGraft hair transplant technology. As we age, both men and women deal with thinning hair and balding that is caused by many reasons ranging from genetic factors and environmental effects to illnesses and the side effects of certain medication. If you are looking for an effective solution that can help you deal with this issue, the NeoGraft hair transplant system offers effective hair replacement.
Here are six reasons why more and more people are choosing the NeoGraft hair restoration procedures to renew a healthy head of hair.
Minimally Invasive Treatments
The hair restoration treatments used to date have involved the harvesting of a strip of skin along with the hair, and attaching it with sutures or staples into the bald areas. Such procedures leave behind ugly scarring in the area treated. However, the innovative NeoGraft hair transplant procedures leave behind no scars since the extraction is conducted with a specialized device. The NeoGraft Follicular Unit Extraction system extracts individual hair follicles in groups of 1 to 4 hairs just as they grow naturally. These follicles are later transplanted by hand into the balding areas. Once they take root, you’ll only see a thick head of hair.
Natural Looking Results
Since the NeoGraft hair transplant systems use your own hair without the need for incisions, the results are very natural. As the hair grows, you can experiment with all the styles you want including choosing to wear your hair long or short. In the absence of any kind of linear scarring, there are no signs to indicate that you have had any kind of treatment done, either in the transplant or donor area. Your dermatologist takes care to follow your original hairline and facial structure when transplanting the hair follicles, ensuring the end result mimics your natural growth.
Completely Safe, Automated Procedure
Using cutting edge technology, the NeoGraft hair transplant procedure is completely automated. As one of the most innovative techniques available today, it is highly effective and safe. The NeoGraft device uses a “coring” procedure that, when performed along with a light vacuum, extracts the follicle neatly without any risk of damage. As a result, the implant has a better rate of success. Another benefit is that the implants used are not likely to cause infections, and are not artificial because they are harvested from the back of your own head from a donor area.
Minimal Discomfort
Since the NeoGraft hair restoration procedure doesn’t require incisions, scalpels, or sutures, you are likely to feel almost no discomfort. As opposed to the old methods that would put patients under anaesthesia, people undertaking a NeoGraft hair transplant generally don’t need any kind of pain killers. Your dermatologist might administer local anaesthesia to keep you comfortable through the treatment.
No Downtime
With the need for anaesthesia and scalpels eliminated, the NeoGraft procedures allow you to return to your regular day-to-day activities within 2 to 4 days. There is no downtime or recovery time needed. You only need to take care to follow the post treatment instructions carefully so that the new follicles can take root and begin to grow.
Universally Effective
Millions of people have used the NeoGraft hair transplant procedures and found that it gives amazing results with a higher success rate as compared to any treatments. Both men and women can sign up for them. They are similarly effective on all hair and skin types. Even if you have taken the strip treatment before, you can still opt for the NeoGraft solutions. You only need to have good health and sufficient hair at the back of your head for extraction.
Opt for the NeoGraft Hair Transplant Technique
With so many great positives and an excellent success rate, the NeoGraft hair restoration systems are possibly the best solutions for all your hair fall and balding issues. Choose from the FUE NeoGraft hair transplant procedures or the NeoGraft Neo LTS Red/Green low-level light therapy. Your dermatologist will recommend the best solution specific to your hair fall issues. Within a few weeks after the treatment, you will see fresh growth and thick, lustrous hair that makes you look gorgeous.