Whether dealing with an injury or a chronic condition, regenerative cell therapy can help your body heal. The best part is that this treatment is non-invasive and has little to no side effects.
Regenerative cell therapy is a medical procedure using your body's natural "building blocks," biologically young regenerative cells derived from the Wharton's Jelly layer of the umbilical cord – scientifically proven to have the highest concentration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the body – as well as placental tissue in a patented procedure proven to achieve superior results. The regenerative cell procedure can treat hair loss, aesthetics, sexual health, wellness injections, aging, sports medicine, and more.
There is a lot of news about regenerative cell therapy. Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center has completed exhaustive research into these therapies, using the products from vibrant, biologically young sources on our team, and we are proud that we finally can offer you Regenerative Cell Therapy to help the body repair, replace, cushion, support, protect and function at optimal levels.
We use Wharton's Jelly and products derived from the umbilical cord tissue, which contains the richest amount of mesenchymal cells, growth factors, exosomes, and cytokines needed to regenerate tissue. These umbilical cord tissues are uniquely able to help protect, cushion and support injured parts of the body as well as boost the optimal regenerative environment.
Stem cell therapy, or regenerative medicine, is the next chapter in organ transplantation. It promotes the repair of diseased or injured tissue using stem cells that are limited in supply, rather than donor organs that may not always work out due to disease processivity and often require surgery with risks associated with such procedures, including infection by various types, especially after median cyclist injury.
Stem cells are the lifeblood of our bodies, and when used in regenerative medicine, they come from fat or blood. They're put into a centrifuge machine so doctors can identify them, which will be helpful in therapy treatments.
Stem cell therapy is not an inexpensive treatment, but it's worth the cost. With treatments ranging from $1-6 thousand for one injection, many people can experience relief and get back on their feet.
Stem cells injected into the target area will continue working for up to one year, and many patients do not require multiple treatments. Consider giving stem cell therapy a try if you're experiencing joint pain that doesn't go away with usual remedies--it may be just what your doctor ordered!
Stem cells are the lifeblood of our bodies; they help us to heal and recover from illness. Stem Cell Therapy has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation while modulating your immune system, promoting better health & quality.
Most insurance plans do not cover regenerative Cell Therapy, but your policy may cover some treatment.
Here are some of the potential risks that you may face during treatment. In many cases, these include infection, bleeding, and pain from tissue or nerve inflammation. However, these side effects can be treated with medication, which will go away after a while since they have been known as "mild complexities."
Stem cell therapy procedures often cause patients little to no pain. Their area is numbed, which helps make it comfortable for you! If my patient still feels discomfort after we're done with your procedure (which shouldn't be too surprising), let me know, and together, maybe find something else useful in our toolkit of techniques so this doesn't happen again soon after finishing up treatment today."
Stem cell therapy is an effective treatment for chronic back pain, especially when patients suffer from painful disc or facet injuries. If you're suffering from these conditions and seeking relief- look no further than stem cell treatments!
You must tell your doctor if any medications are prescribed for blood thinning before undergoing this procedure.
Seven days before your injection, you mustn't take any anti-inflammatory medicine. This includes Aspirin or Motrin, which can thin the blood and make surgery more difficult for doctors during recovery after procedure completion! In addition to this advice about prepping with medication seven days prior, remember NOT TO TAKE ANY MEDICINE THAT THINGS THE BLOOD FOR SEVEN DAYS BEFORE HAVING AN INJECTION AND UNTIL THEY ARE PERMISSIVE BY YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL.
A Regenerative Cell therapy session will leave you with minor pain, so it's best not to take anti-inflammatory medications for a minimum of 6 weeks. You should rest after the first 24–48 hours and start physical therapy within 4-6 days of your treatment appointment to avoid further injury or healing problems down the line!