How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Using A Facial
Most of us at some point struggle with hideous and stubborn acne and pimples on the face and forehead.
These outbreaks have been found to be linked to not only age but also stress and hormone levels.
No matter how many times you wash your face, your oil glands (sebaceous glands) can still get infected with bacteria and cause you painful pimples.
If acne, pimples and skin inflammation is turning your face into a land of craters and red peaks and is making you wonder about how to get rid of acne scars, then you are in safe hands with us.
We have turned to the best dermatologists to understand the underlying causes of acne and get tips related to simple and effective treatments for overcoming them.
Find out the most beneficial and valuable solutions to treat your facial acne here and get one step closer to glowing and healthy skin.
1. Home Remedies and Kitchen Ingredients Will Get You Far
If you suffer from acne occasionally, then common kitchen disinfectants like honey and lemon juice can greatly help destroy the microbes in your pores.
Honey and lemon have antibacterial properties which can be put to good use by applying gently on the skin with the help of clean cotton swabs.
For more stubborn pimples, try adding cinnamon powder to this mixture. Splash your face with water and moisturize it.
Yogurt and papaya mixture used regularly aids tremendously in demolishing flaming red acne.
2. Tea Tree Oil Is Your Best Friend
The humble tea tree oil is highly recommended for getting rid of acne due to its antimicrobial and therapeutic properties. It mitigates redness and battles pimples quite efficiently.
You can either apply it directly on washed skin with the help of a cotton ball or invest in good quality tea tree oil and honey face wash.
Many branded and bottled formulations are available readily, but try to not get swayed to products with complex ingredients.
3. Opt For Professional Treatments and Medical Peels
Acne and inflammation are very real and grave problems and should not be overlooked if the problem persists for long durations. Medical grade peels like the Vi Peel Purify is a powerful and dependable professional answer to how to get rid of acne scars.
The sessions are short, almost 20 minutes, and you come out more confident, radiant and happy than before. The medical peel purification here uses some potent ingredients like Vitamin C, Kojic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid, all of which are known to intensely hydrate and cleanse the skin.
4. Steam Is Effective In Fighting Acne
Water and its many accommodating faces – steam is amazingly effective in flushing out the oil, sebum, and microorganisms residing in your skin’s pores. You can choose to use a professional steamer for 15-20 minutes or just sit with your face covered with a towel over a pot full of hot water.
Do remember to wipe and moisturize your face immediately after each steaming session.
5. Top That Zit With Your Toothpaste
Sleep on that zit with some icing of toothpaste over it and wake up to surprising results. The fluoride in toothpaste has been known for its efficacy in calming down skin eruptions and soothing inflammation.
White, opaque toothpastes are best for getting rid of acnes rather than gel-based, colorful ones. It is imperative to wash your face thoroughly in the morning to get traces of toothpaste off it. This is the best solution for how to get rid of acne scars.
6. Healthy Habits Make Acne Die Fast
By healthy habits, we clearly mean familiarizing yourself with a healthy, natural diet of fresh produce. The cans of processed food you pick at unbothered plays a huge deterrent to getting clear skin. Sugars, starch, and carbonated drinks aggravate acne and pimples and enable them to thrive.
Stress can play havoc with your skin, therefore, sleeping enough is essential. Try to stick to a healthy sleep cycle of 7-8 hours every day as it will ultimately help your body in relaxing and rejuvenating itself.
Now You Know How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars
In addition to these 6 solutions, drinking enough water frequently, distressing and unwinding, caring for your skin properly and using genuinely natural, high quality skin products and services will help you abundantly down the line.
Knowing and caring for your skin better is the fundamental answer to the question of how to get rid of acne.