A breakthrough technology that offers immediate results and experienced users is called 'pain-free' and 'enjoyable.' After one treatment, clients report smoother, tighter, more vibrant skin.
Cell Sound's new method for reducing body fat, Body Contouring Technology, is unlike anything else on the market. The process uses therapeutic sound waves instead of thermal or freezing methods - which means it doesn't damage cells like others do while still getting results!
CellSound Body employs a breakthrough patented technology to make ultrasound more effective. The Body recognizes this as something invasive and shuts down immediately, rendering Therapy ineffective within minutes of exposure; however, with therapeutic sessions lasting for hours on end because it takes time for fat cells to shed their content through processes, similar aerobics workouts-the only difference being we're not burning calories remotely here!
"Fast. Friendly. Super happy with my results."
-Tracie T.
Cell Sound's new method for reducing body fat, Body Contouring Technology, is unlike anything else on the market. The process uses therapeutic sound waves instead of thermal or freezing methods - which means it doesn't damage cells like others do while still getting results!
CellSound Body employs a breakthrough patented technology to make ultrasound more effective. The Body recognizes this as something invasive and shuts down immediately, rendering Therapy ineffective within minutes of exposure; however, with therapeutic sessions lasting for hours on end because it takes time for fat cells to shed their content through processes, similar aerobics workouts-the only difference being we're not burning calories remotely here!
Get ready to experience the incredible CellSound treatment! Our pricing varies depending on the treatment area and the number of sessions you choose. Discover the perfect package for you and prepare for a transformation!
With CellSound, you can have the occasional treatment to maintain your healthy lifestyle for years. The natural and safe mechanism of action means that these results will last longer than any other type or method out there!
Therapeutic ultrasound uses a range of safe frequencies approved by the FDA and used worldwide to treat people. CellSound's Ultrasound technology also avoids using extreme heat, which makes it safer than other techniques available in today's market.
The CellSound Body treatment is not only practical but also comfortable. You might experience gentle heat or a sensation of pressure when they increase electric field strength before easing off to your desired discomfort-free comfort!
During your treatment, you won't have any downtime. You can return immediately to the things that make life worth living - work, school, family, and friends!
CellSound Body provides an accurate way to measure your progress after each session with the PhotoFact Center. Before and following each treatment, you will be photographed by a proprietary algorithm on their website that tracks how much weight has been lost in real-time. The before-and-after photos are automatically calculated from these measurements, allowing anyone seeking transformation through Body contouring services easy access to what they need to know about themselves without knowing where it came from!